Parents and Guardians
"Daughter is progressing well with her guitar with Tom's teaching methods but most importantly she is enjoying them too."
Yell Reviews
Tom’s previous experience working with individual children and teenagers as young as 5 as well as teaching school classes will be of reassurance to many. Lessons are structured around the pupil with lesson plans that are both age appropriate and fit the child’s interests. He ensures that Parents and Guardians receive feedback on their child’s progress along with the practice materials and timetables for parents who wish to monitor their child’s day to day practice. Email support is available to help answer questions between lessons. Safety is of paramount importance to Tom and as such, he has a DBS that has been accredited by the Musicians Union (The UK’s leading Musicians Union with over 30,000 Musicians) to help give parents reassurance.
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Contact Information and Location
Phone Number: +447807143386
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marble Close, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2RB
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