Bass Lessons
I'd never picked up a guitar before and after my first lesson, had a basic understanding of a bass and could play a tune. Tom's approach was very easy to understand and his teaching very simple to follow and pick up." Grant Baverstock
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Many underrate Bass believing it is for people who cannot play Guitar; but you know better, which is why you are here. Arguably the most important band member, Bass is the link between the drums and the rest of the ensemble. Without Bass there would no groove and little desire to dance. But despite being consistently unrated by the general public it is a challenging instrument. Yet it lacks the wide array of materials that Guitarists have easy access to and the number of good Bass tutors is small. As such, making progress can be challenging. You need a tutor who understands and takes Bass seriously. Someone who can lift the curtain of Bass both to you and to those who you want to play to.
Though primarily a guitarist Tom has a huge passion for Bass having played it for a number of years in a variety of bands and on his Degree in which he received First Class Honours. Lessons are constructed around your interests and favourite songs developing your technique whilst demystifying the fretboard and musical concepts required to become an accomplished Bassist. His highly developed fretboard knowledge and in-depth knowledge of Rhythm and Groove can unlock the code to the Bass and get you playing Basslines that will get people moving in no time.
Though primarily a guitarist Tom has a huge passion for Bass having played it for a number of years in a variety of bands and on his Degree in which he received First Class Honours. Lessons are constructed around your interests and favourite songs developing your technique whilst demystifying the fretboard and musical concepts required to become an accomplished Bassist. His highly developed fretboard knowledge and in-depth knowledge of Rhythm and Groove can unlock the code to the Bass and get you playing Basslines that will get people moving in no time.
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Contact information and Location
Phone Number: +447807143386
Email: [email protected]
Address: Marble Close, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2RB
Feel free to enquire here
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